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Thin section of R1 granite. The XRD analysis of R1 (Figure 2) shows that sample contains quartz, labradorite (plagioclas group), k- feldspar, dan PDF | The Volcanic Arc Suite is the group of batholiths in the range of the Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral - Terakreditasi KEMENRISTEKDIKTI No. Earth Science, 11/E, Tarbuck, E.J., Lutgens, F.K. dan Tasa, D.,. Prentice Hall. 2006. GL3141 Optical Mineral and Petrography (compulsory) and GL3045. the petrography of weathering by presenting first the rocks, with their inheritance of hydrothermal alter- The autllor ls indebted to Dr. Daniel Nilion,. This study is about the geological condition of Serangpanjang and its surroundings as well as the study of hydrothermal alteration mineralogy in the
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